7 Fatal Mistakes, that could kill your Houseplants

7 Fatal Mistakes, that could kill your Houseplants -

7 Fatal Mistakes, that could kill your Houseplants

Frankly speaking, no houseplant! means no houseplant at all could be considered impossible to kill.

Every house plant requires a low or even substantial amount of care to survive. It doesn’t matter whether you are an expert Gardener or an amateur or even a beginner, below stated mistakes could happen under anyone’s care, and these are fatal ones that could kill your lovely houseplants. Considering that houseplants are indoor plants, and some of them do require special care at least for early stage until they establish themselves. Look out whether you are repeating the following mistakes or not. And spot what issue that your plant is facing while their growth. So, enhance your skills and knowledge by knowing the following points.

Over watering:

Here you get your young houseplant, and you are very excited and want to keep it green or healthy at all times. Considering your good intention, you pour water to plant, avoiding any kind of thirst. But now you may start your mistake, by pouring water continuously or over the limit that usually your houseplant requires. This improper practice is Overwatering. And this may drown your roots and rot them. This could be lethal for your houseplant.

Step to Fix: You have to give certain time after watering. And also note that, each plant has distinct requirements of watering, some are drought tolerant that means only once they are fully established. Some require abundant watering daily especially during summer. And the whole point for any houseplant is that the pot must be well drained provided and soil must be kept moist enough for healthy growth.


This problem is also a water related issue, but just the flip side of the above point. Known to be Underwatering. This means depriving plants with enough water when it is most required. This also Depends upon the type of person handling. If you are a beginner or an amateur and mostly admits that of being oblivious to your plants. Plants may get you indications like appearing with crispy leaves or yellow foliage, letting you know that it requires water to survive, but you still might neglect them.

And some types of people are very good care takers but suddenly there might occur some variation in temperature and you may miss out on pouring any water while you are on holiday or for some other issues.

Step to Fix: For the people of first one types (amateur or beginners), you must treat plants like an object, and you must be passionate to take care of it, like involving yourself in stuff like pruning, cutting or repotting or other stuff that your plant requires. And Select much resilient plants like say ZZ plants or any Air plants, that would be a bit tolerant in regards with your care.

And for the second type of people who love their plants and care for them very well, if a sudden mistake happens by mistake. Then don’t hold yourself back and move on. Like it could be said, you need to carry the art of patience to care well for your plants.

Too Cold Condition:

Most of the houseplants must be accommodated in a wide range of temperatures. But none of them likes to be kept at low temperatures or in frost forming conditions.

As humans don't want to lose any bit of finger or toe, plants also consider themselves in the same way. So, avoid carelessness like leaving houseplants outside when winter crosses its limit or leaving them in unheated conservatories during low winter temperature. 

Step to Fix: Always make sure to keep your houseplant at places, where minimum temperature required by them is met.

Pests and Diseases:

Pests and Diseases are really a non-ignorable issue. They give your houseplants a bad look, undesired reputation by making them appear as dirty with unclean things or crawling mites or bugs. Pests and diseases are like nightmares for houseplants, they could weaken your plant and sometimes may kill them. These are issues that may cause, not due to your ignorance or control. So, notice them early and treat them as soon as it gets to your attention.

Step to Fix: Observe very carefully and there we some suggestion or common treatment like cut and discard damaged parts of your houseplants. And treat with Eucalyptus Oil or proper pest control to prevent spread of pests all over your plant.

Too Much light:

Your houseplant does require sunlight partially or direct for short durations. And providing them their need, might one of good intention of yours. But too much is fatal in some way. You might hear of photosynthesis processes that plants carry out whole when kept in front of Sunlight. This does occur but excess of Sunlight may cause Sunburn or damage to their foliage.

Step to Fix: You must decide carefully the location of your houseplant. As it matters most when you want to manage the intensity of light that your plant must get.

Too tittle light:

This issue is also light related, but this issue occurs only when low light is provided to the plant or kept in unnoticed darkness. Due to lack of presence of light, some plants may shed their leaves or may turn yellow in colour. But this issue alone could not be a reason for the death of your plant. Plants die when these issues occur with a combination of some of the above points. Like due to low light your plant may show some signs of weakness like yellow foliage, and then you may overwater them in an intention to secure them. But in such a way no benefit with much harm has been made. Leading to the death of your plant.

Step to Fix: One common say is that, “Your houseplants must be kept where it could see the sky”. So, check the spot, squat down right next to your houseplant and look for the sky. If you could see well then, it’s a good sign.

Too much fertiliser: 

It is hard to cause death by underfeeding of fertiliser. For some plants using fertilizer could be useful when they are repotted in a couple of years. Otherwise it's not much necessary in case of houseplants.

Step to Fix: Mostly this issue occurs accidently like applying chemical fertilizer without reading its back note or applying it without diluting it.

In conclusion, it is advisable that by following the above points, most carelessness could be avoided. And your houseplant healthy growth could be ensured.